The rowing “learning journey” eight, where everyone steers and rows together: In 2021, as part of the eight-strong lernOS Leadership Guide crew, I learned a lot about what it means to develop a learning journey together across companies.
By the way: I’m still impressed by the info session that took place last Thursday. 80 participants who accompanied us very appreciatively. 80 pioneers who want to start the learning journey for leaders as pilot users. The kick-off will take place on Thursday, January 27 (Registration via Eventbrite – in German).
The power of learning journeys attracts me. I’ve been part of the Corporate Learning Community since 2020. The kick-off for #mygoal22 (#meinziel22 in German) took place on January 17. Everyone is asked to formulate a development goal for the time up to the Corporate Learning Camp on May 25, 2022.
“Open Learning” is the essential attitude of the Corporate Learning Community. Therefore, everyone is invited to share the development goal publicly and to report on the learning journey (Blogparade – in German).
A colourful crew: I rediscovered the joy of writing by working together on the lernOS Leadership Guide. The morning routine in my sabbatical certainly contributed to this in the first half of 2021: just writing whatever comes to mind for 20-30 minutes in the morning after my meditation.
What have I planned for #meinziel22? Karlheinz Pape described it very nicely in an article: “Don’t plan to learn something – plan to do something!” (in German). So I will not define a learning goal. Instead, I’ve decided to do something and learn from it. And not alone, but also not in a larger group. 2022 stands for TWOgetherness. So, I invite you to a writing duet.
Learning playfully: I will write a blog post as a duet with nine different people in nine different ways by May 25; i.e. we write a blog post in pairs. The blog post’s topic will appear at the interface between the passion themes of the co-authors. The new emerges at the interfaces and edges.
I want to know the co-authors better, and I am curious how collaborative writing will change our relationship. It is undoubtedly also exciting to find out which writing method is effective. I will always reflect on the writing process when publishing the blog post.
I have no idea what to expect. All I know is that it will be unforgettable 😉 Fortunately, six people have already registered, i.e. I am still looking for three interested people. Preferably people I hardly know and who are willing to write a blog post with me and open to experiments.
Please contact me!
Categories: #discovery
Tags: #duet #lernos #lernosleadership #learningjourney #openlearning #writing