A new year is unfolding. People unfold their potential. Day after day. On a small scale, a sprouting seed grows in a sunny place. On a larger scale, people decide to change themselves or their environment.
2022 is a beautiful number. My younger daughter was born 20 years ago, and my older daughter 22 years ago. Yet, they continue to grow and go their own way.
2022, so much TWOgetherness in this year figure. Shared experiences with my wife, with whom I have lived together for almost 20 + 2 + 2 + 2 years, will also enrich this year. I missed being with mutual friends last year. “Revival” meetings with my friends will make this year richer, too.
In 2022, I hope that as many people as possible can further unfold their potential. In my job as a learning expert at SAP, I help create new peer and experiential learning opportunities and scale existing ones. Whether coaching, fellowships, communities of practice: the potential is enormous with 100,000 employees.
I look forward to working with the learning, people & culture, and product areas colleagues at SAP. Additionally, I wish to exchange experience with learning experts from other companies.
A lot of new things will unfold in 2022. From an experiment at SAP and a presentation at the Corporate Learning Camp 2020, the lernOS Leadership Guide was created with a lot of passion and perseverance in 2021 by a group of 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 leadership enthusiasts from very different companies. The pilot of the learning journey will start soon. I invite you to take part! Co-creating is something extraordinary.
“Flow Discovery”, my side business, will also unfold. I am looking forward to working with new clients in 2022. The logo – I’ve created between the years with inspirations from my daughters – stands for:
There is great power in writing. I would like to write more together with others in 2022. Anyone who can imagine writing a blog post with me on one of my passion topics of learning, leadership, coaching and sustainability is welcome to contact me.
This year, I will unfold the letter to myself more often. “My future self” wrote it to me. This is a powerful exercise that I’ve encountered in “Working Out Loud” circles or from Otto Scharmer’s “Theory U“. An unfolding pine cone from the Gerês National Park in Portugal is the physical anchor to the content of this letter on my desk.
2021 showed me that unfolding is about making the best of the world as it is. I can’t change most of it. But, I can change what is within my reach. And that’s a lot: from the flower bed in front of the house to the shops and services I use to the way I behave towards myself and the people around me. Things will turn out differently, that’s what I call learning.
Our world is much more joyful, fulfilled, and multifaceted when we take the time to be with the people in the here and now as they unfold.
I wish you a fulfilled, joyful and energetic 2022!
Tags: #NewYear #unfolding #lettertomyself